Car Rally Details

Car Rally Road Rules, Flags & Stickers Sale

Join us on Saturday 12/23/2023 for a vehicle-based (2 & 4 wheel) rally!


 Action Items

Purchase Your Own Supplies And Come Prepared With Your Palestinian Flag Securely Installed, Sticker On And Choose Message From List Below For The Car Window (Note That Washable Window Markers Are For The Car Window And Not For The Body Of The Car).

1. Large Palestianian Flags with Pole

Palestinian Flags Will Be On Sale For $20 (With Pole) At Site And after subtracting cost, Profits Will Be Used For DFW Road Billboards. Pay With Zelle, Cash Or Venmo. Contact at (513) 746-1594 to reserve your flag.

2. Palestianian Flags for Car Window

Palestinian Car window Flags Will Be On Sale For $20 And After Subtracting Cost, Profits Will Be Used For DFW Road Billboards. Pay With Zelle or Cash. Text Message only At (402) 517-1389 and come pick up Your car window Flag.

3. “Free Palestine” Car Sticker Option # 1

“FREE PALESTINE” large decals will be available at the car rally site with “optional” free professional installation.

🍉Material type: Removable vinyl sticker. 

🍉Br. Ahmed will be At Richland College Starting noon (12 pm). 

 🍉Installation time: About 3 minutes. 

🍉Price: $20 (Tips optional, no pressure). Pay With Zelle Or Cashapp. After subtracting cost, Most profits from sale will be used for DFW road billboard.

🍉Reservation required?: Yes, to guarantee availability. Contact Br. Ahmed at (817) 691-0140.


– Grab the letterings from the corners in a hot day. In a cold day, you’d need to use a heat gun or a torch to make it easier, but you can still remove the same way. 

If you decide to install it by yourself, cleaning the windshield with water beforehand is recommended. 

Full custom vehicle wraps available per request. Contact Br. Ahmed @ (817) 691-014


4. “Ceasefire” Car Sticker option # 2

“Ceasefire” car Sticker Will Be Available At The Car Rally Site.

DIY: Install It By Yourself by Cleaning The Windshield With Water and Drying.  

Small Car Sticker price is $10 And Profits Will Be Used For DFW BillboardsPay With Zelle Or Cash. 

Call/Text Message Br. Omar At (469) 881-6001 To preorder and Reserve Your “ceasefire” sticker.

5. “Let Gaza Live” Car Sticker Option # 3

“Let Gaza Live” 12 inch by 6 inch size. Car Sticker Will Be Available At The Car Rally Site.

DIY: Install It By Yourself By Cleaning The Windshield With Water And Drying.  

Small Car Sticker Price Is $10 And Profits Will Be Used For DFW Billboards. Pay with zelle or cash

Call/Text Message Br. Omar At (469) 881-6001 To Preorder And Reserve Your “let Gaza Live” sticker.

Suggested Car Window Messaging

Below are chants but can also be used to write Car Window Message. Please Use at your own risk Any Of The Below Recommended Messages For the Car Rally: 

– Let Gaza Live
– Ceasefire for the kids
– Save Gaza’s Children Now
– Free, Free, Palestine!
– Free, Free Gaza!
 Stop The Crime, Israel Out Of Palestine!
 No To Genocide!
 Ceasefire Now!
– End The Seige On Gaza Now!
– Stop The Killing, Stop The Hate, Israel’s Apartheid State
 Ethnic Cleansing Is A Crime, Free, Free Palestine!
 Killing Children Is A Crime, Free Free Palestine!
 Gaza Don’t Cry, Palestine Will Never Die!
 Long Live Palestine!
 Viva Viva Palestina!
 No To Occupation, Yes To Liberation!
 Stop The Killing, Stop The Hate, Israel Is A Racist State!
 Not Another Dime, No More Funding Israel’s Crime!
 No More Wars, With Our Taxes!
 My Taxes, My Choice! No Funding Of Wars!
 Sava Gaza!
 Stop The 2023 NAKBA!
 End The Palestinian Holocaust Now!
 Palestinians Are Semites, Don’t Be Antisemitic!
 The Occupation Has GOT To Go!
 All jews are not Zionist, ZIONISM = Colonialism


Route Details

Route Map:

A complete route map is available on the Google maps or just follow the rally.

End of Car Rally:

The rally ends at the starting location i.e. parking lot we began the rally from


Rules of Engagement:

Help us make this event successful by abiding by the rules set for the rally. Below are guidelines and rules to adhere to:

  1. The vehicle-based car rally must proceed forward in an orderly civil fashion and on a single file line with hazard lights on and from our designated start route to the end location.

  2. Driver must designate phone responsibilities to car passengers and not be using the phone during the car rally for their safety and for others safety as well.

  3. All participants must adhere to the driving laws of the local City and State to avoid receiving a violation. Passengers in vehicles must not exceed the number of functioning seatbelts in the rally. If you are in a truck or pick-up truck, you cannot have passengers in the bed of the truck.

  4. Participants cannot stop on the road or change vehicles during the rally unless it is an emergency.

  5. Ensure that you have a full tank of gas.

  6. No swag, fliers, or promotional materials can be distributed to spectators during the rally.

  7.  Do not engage in any vehicle aggression with any counter protestors or anyone that signals negatively towards our efforts. We cannot make this about us, this is about our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and we must be an example of the peace that we desire.


  9.  Report all issues along the way to WhatsApp Admins. Admins will contact Security if needed. If you face any aggression at all, make sure car passenger records it safely.


Join WhatsApp Group through this Link




Join us on Saturday 12/23/2023 for a vehicle-based (2 & 4 wheel) rally!


Dec 23

Come together with us as we stand united, nurturing solidarity in our collective dedication to persist until JUSTICE prevails in PALESTINE!


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